Author: John Goldsmith

Coming Events

December 6th (Wednesday) Display at Wellington Views nursing home –Old Beach
Names please to Mary Allen if you wish to attend. 

December 10 (Sunday):  Club Christmas Lunch – Grenada Hotel, 12.00 noon. RSVP by December 6th to Pam Daly on 0414 975 142.

January 1st. New Years BBQ at Cradoc Park. Make own way there. BBQ every thing.

January 13th  Parliament Lawns. Car display to promote 2023 South East Rally. Arrive by 9 am.

January 20th South East Rally Entry Form on this web site. 

January 21st South East Rally lunch Granada Hotel 12 Noon Trophy Presentation

February 18th Tour Oak Lodge Richmond  Meet front Risdon Brook 10.30 am Travel to Richmond.

March 16th Run to Tunbridge combined with Hornby Railway Collectors Sausage Sizzle Tunbridge Hall. 

First Sunday of each month – Classics on the Beach, Lower Sandy Bay Beach, 9.00am onwards.

Third Sunday of each month VCCA Cars & CoffeeRichmond Arms Hotel car park 9.00am – noon.